Green coffee and ginger – bioterra.by
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Green coffee and ginger

Green coffee and ginger

Green coffee and ginger

One capsule contains active ingredients:
  • сhlorogenic acid - 100 mg;
  • extract of ginger - 10 mg.

Ginger has always been considered a fat-burning agent that speeds up metabolism, eliminates fat deposits in problem areas, makes the silhouette more slender and fit. It contains gingerol and resinous substances, which have a rather tart, burning taste. They affect the metabolic rate, gradually accelerating it.

Unroasted (green) coffee is an even more powerful means for losing weight. Chlorogenic acid contained in it, allows you to significantly reduce excess weight, remove excess water from the body, and accelerate carbohydrate metabolism. This acid, which is a ester of coffee acid, promotes safe burning of fatty deposits and glucose. The fact is that chlorogenic acid increases the metabolism of fat directly in the liver, and, as is known, it is this body that is responsible for the processing and absorption of fats.

LTD “Bioterra” in the production of dietary supplements “Green coffee with ginger” uses green coffee extract with a high active substance content of 50% chlorogenic acid, which increases the effectiveness of diets when losing weight and fitness.

The combination of extracts of green coffee and ginger has a complex effect on the body:

  • burns fat;
  • suppresses appetite and reduces cravings for sweets;
  • stimulates the thyroid gland;
  • accelerates the metabolism;
  • has anti-cellulite action;
  • normalizes digestion, including by choleretic effects;
  • removes toxins and cholesterol;
  • has a general toning effect.

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